Our overnight stays in Europe…
This page (once fully up and running), will show you all of the places we have stayed at with Louis the McLouis Tandy and Bessie the Bessacarr 597.
As this is a new feature, the list is not quite complete at the moment, but locations are being updated daily. At the moment this map only shows our overnight stops on the continent and another map will be uploaded soon showing our overnight stops in the UK.
The pins are on Google Maps and if you press on a pin a box will open on the left with the map co-ordinates for the location. In the fullness of time I will add a description and photographs for each location.
The pins are colour coded as follows…
Purple = an aire.
Brown = a campsite.
Green = a wildcamping spot.
If you are interested in seeing a particular area make sure you zoom in, as, for example, we have stayed in 4 places in Biarritz, but you don’t see that until you zoom in. if you don’t have a wheel on your mouse use the +/- symbols on the map.
Click and hold the left mouse button to move the map about.
You will see, even from a brief look at the map, that there are huge areas of the continent we have not explored yet, and although we are ManVanNoPlan we can hopefully see a bit more of Europe in the next few years…